- Family Law
- Juvenile Law
- Criminal Defense
- Bankruptcy
- Contract and Consumer Litigation
- Texas, 2011
- University of Wyoming, College of Law, Laramie, Wyoming
- J.D. – 2011
- University of Wyoming, Laramie, Wyoming
- B.S., Political Science
- State Bar of Texas, Solo and Family Law Sections
- Smith County Young Lawyers Association
- Smith County Bar, Family Law Section
- Lawyer Referral & Information Service, Panel Member
I take some Lone Star Legal Aid cases and other select cases on a pro bono basis
- Legal Writing and Research Services (Contract basis)
Tyler Czapla
I grew up in Gillette, Wyoming, on the sprawling high plains, roughly between Devils Tower (think Close Encounters of the Third Kind) and Yellowstone National Park. My family has always been close knit and hardworking: my Mom owns and operates two daycares and my Dad worked at a coal mine and industrial parts company before retiring. I have, despite my hardheadedness, acquired their work ethic.
I also developed a great appreciation for children and the parent-child relationship, working as a teacher at my mother’s daycare several summers and after-school. After graduating with a political science degree and then a J.D. from The University of Wyoming, it was only natural that I gravitate towards a career helping children and families just like the ones I had grown to respect in my youth. After working for two years as a motions practice attorney, perfecting my research and writing skills, I began taking family law and general civil litigation cases. These cases opened my eyes and rekindled my passion to influence families and the working-class in a positive way; through affordable legal representation individually tailored to each client.
Along with my strong research and writing skills, I bring a creative side to my work. I enjoy art, namely acrylic painting and photography. I am always looking to advocate for my clients in a creative, fresh way.