Family Law
All About Uncontested Divorces
Many spouses are able to finalize their divorce without a “contested” court hearing, without going through initial disclosures and discovery, and with a degree of
Life After Bankruptcy: Get Stability by Rebuilding Credit
Deciding to file for bankruptcy is incredibly difficult, and it’s not a choice anyone would wish upon someone else. After your debts have been discharged,
Family Law
Why a Prenup May Make Sense or Be a Disaster
A Premarital Agreement, or prenup, is not just for the wealthy, and can actually be simple and affordable. And, they aren’t always all bad. Keep reading to discover why a prenup may be right or wrong for your situation.
General Law
What To Consider When Attorney Shopping
Hiring an attorney is a difficult decision. Each attorney has a unique style, specialty, pricing, etc. So, consulting with more than one attorney is often